Einhorn Collaborative
Designing a New Story for a New Era of Philanthropy
For decades, the Einhorn Family Charitable Trust worked with grantees to “help Americans get along better.” And yet, despite years of philanthropic commitment and dedicated action, the organization witnessed too many trends going in the wrong direction: growing isolation and loneliness, divisive politics, faltering social trust, and the breakdown of our public discourse.
After a period of deep listening and reflection on their theory of change, the team recognized that people don’t get along unless they feel seen, heard, and valued. And feeling seen, heard, and valued requires a depth of trust and relationship – of truly seeing, knowing, and caring for one another – that enables us to be our whole and best selves, individually and together.
To meet this moment and champion a new vision for change, EFCT turned to BBMG to reimagine their brand identity, advance their worldview, and introduce their new strategy to partners, influencers, and peers. Through in-depth conversations and collaborative workshops, we unlocked a powerful core insight – we cannot solve our nation’s most complex and urgent challenges unless we see, hear, and understand each other first.
The new brand – Einhorn Collaborative – elevates the power of empathy, relationship building and mutual understanding so we can see our common humanity and solve our nation’s greatest challenges together.
Audience Research
Brand Strategy
Brand Design
Brand Identity & Guidelines

"You brought beauty, art, color, life, and love to our work in ways we could have never dreamed of. Thank you for being with us, for seeing us, for honoring our work with such integrity and beauty. For bringing our work to life!"